Part 6: San Tomas Aquino Creek path offers commuter relief

San Tomas Creek Trail in 2009 prior to opening. Bike commuters could hardly wait.

San Tomas Creek Trail in 2009 prior to opening. Bike commuters could hardly wait.

I paid close attention to work progress on San Tomas Aquino creek path back in 2009, and for good reason. It promised a car-free commute.

My north San Jose commute had become routine after four years. I continued riding over Hwy 101, De La Cruz/Trimble Road in the morning, mainly because I was in a hurry to get to work.

On the way home I took the alternate, longer routes, like Guadalupe River recreation path. Traffic was more problematic in the evening compared to my relatively early Hwy 101 crossing at 7:15 a.m.

The San Tomas Aquino creek path quickly became my favorite ride home once the path opened in June 2009. I took Montague Expressway, turned right on Agnew Road and then left onto the creek path. It was a straight shot from there to Monroe Street, where I could go right on San Tomas Expressway or straight and pick up Los Padres Blvd.

That section of Montague eastbound has a good shoulder, only three lights and no driveways, so it was a quick ride. The only concern was the long Rivermark Parkway exit. Drivers sometimes cut me off in a hazardous manner. Agnew Road was great, with a bike lane.

When extension four of the creek path opened in 2014 (Monroe to El Camino Real), I started taking it in more often than riding on the expressway, but it came at a price. The El Camino Real intersection required a full stop and then gaining the attention of right-turning drivers. Anything less and you risked being hit in the crosswalk.

While my creek path route was about two miles farther and took at least five minutes longer, it was an enjoyable experience seeing the creek and avoiding intersections.

Note that bike riding is, technically, not allowed on the creek path after dark.

This experience changed my perspective on my route to work, which I took into account when I returned to my old commute route, up next.

One Response to “Part 6: San Tomas Aquino Creek path offers commuter relief”

  1. Pete Says:

    Extension 5 is underway, followed by bike lanes to be added Homestead at the San Tomas Xway intersection (where they currently disappear a block previous in each direction).

    Also, we need to keep pressure on Mayor Lisa Gillmor and City Council to keep this trail open during events. It was promised to us back in 2009, but Mercurio knew better…

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