Western skink likes Stevens Canyon

Young Western skink. Photo by Nathan Court, Wikipedia.

There’s nothing more enjoyable than seeing an interesting creature while out for a ride and today was a prime example as I saw a young Western skink.

I was riding up Stevens Canyon a mile or so from the entrance when I saw a small lizard with a blue tail, the kind that shouts to its predators: Come and get me!

That was a first for me, another in a series inside the lovely canyon with a creek that captivates the imagination.

Long ago I saw what looked like a corn snake only yards from where I saw the skink, but since these snakes are not native to this area, I suppose it was a California kingsnake, absolutely stunning with color.

On the way out of the canyon, I had to walk around a downed oak tree across the road. After 100 years I guess it decided it was time to go.

A ride up Stevens Canyon never grows old.

One Response to “Western skink likes Stevens Canyon”

  1. Jenn Rodriguez Says:

    Saw a turkey vulture eating a king snake in Saratoga on our ride yesterday!

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